Winter population monitoring at McGill Bird Observatory spans the 21 weeks between the fall and spring migration monitoring seasons. During this period, volunteers maintain a set of feeders on site. The project is to monitor the species that spend the winter at MBO, either because they are year-round residents or winter migrants. This allows understanding migration routes and timing, as well as preferred habitat usage by the species that spend the year in the area.

Although relatively few species overwinter regularly at MBO, several of them are uncommon to absent in other seasons, and therefore winter provides the best opportunity to monitor them. Additionally, observations in early and late winter provide an opportunity to document lingering late fall migrants or early spring arrivals. Daily monitoring during winter are more sporadic, limited largely by weather conditions, especially when it comes to banding. Few bird observatories at this latitude operate through winter, so MBO has the potential to generate some interesting data on the winter distribution of birds.


Birds are captured in three mist nets arranged around a cluster of feeders. An audio lure is also set up at the feeders, playing sounds of the most common winter species in the area. Daily monitoring during winter are more sporadic, limited largely by weather conditions, especially when it comes to banding.

Banding total in 2023-2024: 600
Banding total since the beginning : 600


By virtually adopting a bird banded at our feeders during the winter season, you not only support vital scientific efforts but also gain an unforgettable experience.

As a special thank you, we invite you to join us for an exclusive visit to our observatory, where you’ll have the unique opportunity to release your adopted bird back into the wild. This hands-on experience is a memorable way to connect with nature and make a lasting impact.

Adopt a bird today and become part of its incredible story!


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