Group photo of some of our team

Group photo of our team (2024)

Current Team

MBO Director

Barbara Frei

Bander in Chief

Shawna Sevigny

Coordinator and Bander

Cindy Bouchard

MBO Assistant Director

Simon Duval

Owl Bander

Lauriane Nault

Master Permit Holder

Marcel Gahbauer

Our students

Master Student

Anne-Marie Cousineau

She is studying how the Northern Cardinal is moving across those green spaces in Montreal during the winter season.

Honor Student

Nathanya Goudreau

Using historical banding data from the McGill Bird Observatory and the Tadoussac Bird Observatory, she will be investigating wing length and body mass trends of short- and long-distance migrant passerines

Master Student

Vanessa Poirier

Her project aim to understand if molting Tennessee warblers and Swainson’s thrushes at the MBO maintaining the same level of health as their non-molting peers.

Our Volunteers

Without them, we couldn’t do what we do. They are loyal, passionate and rigorous. Our volunteers are everywhere, in the nets every morning at dawn and sometimes during the night during migration, cleaning the site at the start of the season, maintaining the vegetation and trails, filling our feeders in winter, behind our kiosk at events, leading a group on tours and behind a sewing machine to make birds bags.

We are so grateful to have such an amazing team of volunteers.

Group photo of our volunteers (2023)

Past contributors

Master Student

Anne-Marie Cousineau

Honor Student

Nathanya Goudreau

Master Student

Vanessa Poirier

Master Student

Vanessa Poirier

Master Student

Vanessa Poirier

Master Student

Vanessa Poirier

3 345

Total hours given by our volunteers last year