Annual cycle
With is diverse habitat our site is an important place for birds on the Island of Montreal.
Whether it’s for a stopover for migrant species refueling after flying incredible distance, a secure breeding site or a guaranteed food source and shelter during hard winter days, more than 200 species were observe directly using our site since 2005.
We are using this opportunity to study them through the year
Banding total: 96 000
Current Monitoring Projects
Our primary research focus is our standardized Spring and Fall Migration Monitoring Programs and our Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship (MAPS) program during summer. We also conduct a Northern Saw-whet Owl Monitoring Program during the Fall migration, we monitor the reproductive success in our nest boxes and the activities at our feeders during the winter.
Past and recent Partnership
The expertise of our team leads us to be involved in various projects and partnerships in the last few years in addition to our monitoring program.
- MAPS Montée Biggar
- Le Nichoir
- House Finch Color banding
- American Kestrel nestling
- Ticks
- Flat flies
- Molt Migrant
- Snow Bunting
- Feather sample
- Eastern Bluebird nestling
- Hybrid AMRE and MAWA
- La nuit des chercheuses et chercheurs
- Peregrin Falcon at Université de Montréal