During the summer, we study species that breed in our site, we collect data that can be used to estimate key demographic parameters known as vital rates, such as productivity, recruitment, and survival of individual bird species. This information helps scientists understand which life-stages may be most important in driving population change. Examining vital rates can enhance the effectiveness of conservation efforts so that limited conservation dollars can be directed to the times and places in the annual cycle where they are most needed.

Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship (MAPS)

MAPS protocole (Institute for Bird Populations) is a continent-wide network. The program has two major management objectives:

  1. Determine the cause of population declines, if any,
  2. Devise habitat management actions and conservation strategies to reverse population declines.

Our MAPS protocole operates nine mist nets placed around the southern end of the pond. Banding take place on every ten days between June 1 and July 31.

Banding total in 2024 : 260 birds

Banding total since 2005 :


Banding at nests, primarily targeting juveniles in nest boxes, but also including a few other nests and adults, has mostly been opportunistic, and variability in results reflects effort more than numbers nesting on site.

With the dedication of Pascal Berthelot, one of our incredible volunteer, we now have many nest boxes on our site :

  • 32 nest boxes for Tree Swallow, Eastern Bluebird and House Wren.
  • 9 nest boxes for Wood Duck
Banding total in 2023: 200

Banding total since 2005 : 500


You would like to assist us during the banding of these cuties nestling ? You can virtually adopt a nest box and we will invite you on site during the summer.

Species available : Tree Swallow, Eastern Bluebird, American Kestrel.

Results Nest Boxes

Number of hatchling banded on site since 2005


Species 2005 – 2009 2010 – 2014 2015 – 2019 2020 – 2024
Tree Swallow 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200
House Wren 540 540 540 540
Eastern Bluebird 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600
Praesent finibus 620 620 620 620

Results MAPS

Number of birds banded on site during MAPS protocol since 2005


Species 2005 – 2009 2010 – 2014 2015 – 2019 2020 – 2024
Tree Swallow 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200
House Wren 540 540 540 540
Eastern Bluebird 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600
Praesent finibus 620 620 620 620


Core Program Supporter

How You Can Help

Duis a elit tempus, gravida urna sit amet, pulvinar augue. Duis sed pretium augue, id suscipit eros. Cras nec mollis massa. Vestibulum non blandit lorem. Sed sed ante massa. Aenean non accumsan metus. Fusce sapien purus, dictum ac sagittis cursus, dapibus id risus.