The Migration Monitoring Program is a standardized study to be undertaken annually, during Spring and Fall migration season, providing the basis for long-term trend analysis of bird populations. It is intended to be compatible with the aims and methodology of the Canadian Migration Monitoring Network.
The program consists of standardized morning of banding for five hours, a one hour census trail and general observations of birds. All the birds count within the three activities are combine for the generation of a standardized Daily Estimated Total (DET) for each species for each day covered by the program. The resulting data are archived with Birds Canada and made available to researchers through the NatureCounts website.
Program Objectives
The purpose of the Migration Monitoring Program at McGill Bird Observatory is to obtain data on neotropical migrant and other landbird species, in a scientifically rigorous manner, in order to contribute to continent-wide efforts to monitor changes in population levels of these species.
- Trend analysis of bird population
- Molt migration pattern
- Delay in migration arrival and departure
- Proportion of juvenile migrant
- Establishment of migration route and pattern
- Research project partnership
- Morphometric data
Lasts 10 weeks :
March 28 – June 6
The Spring Migration Monitoring Program (SMMP) is a standardized study to be undertaken annually.
The program involves daily monitoring, including a standardized census, banding, and incidental observations.
Lasts 14 weeks :
August 1 – November 6
The Fall Migration Monitoring Program (FMMP) is a standardized study to be undertaken at MBO annually.
The program involves daily monitoring, including a standardized census, banding, and incidental observations.
The purpose of the Migration Monitoring Program is to obtain data on neotropical migrant and other landbird species, in a scientifically rigorous manner, in order to contribute to continent-wide efforts to monitor changes in population levels of these species.
The written field protocol for MBO is designed to ensure that staff follow the same procedures from day to day and year to year despite changes in those involved.
Duis a elit tempus, gravida urna sit amet, pulvinar augue. Duis sed pretium augue, id suscipit eros. Cras nec mollis massa. Vestibulum non blandit lorem. Sed sed ante massa.
Banding total in 2023 :
Banding total since 2005 :